Our research study tests a possible treatment option for anxiety and depressive disorders which uses a mindfulness-based intervention.
Participants engage in eight weeks of in-person active treatment, with twelve weeks of total participation.
Individuals with an anxiety disorder, including: social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or agoraphobia, or major depressive disorder, are eligible to participate.
The compensation for participating is $60 for survey completion.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction versus Escitalopram for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial (TAME)
The first randomized, controlled study to assess the comparative effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with escitalopram on anxiety symptoms and other outcomes important to patients.
The purpose of this randomized study was to examine the comparative efficacy of yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy, and stress education, a previously employed control condition, for patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Attenuation of Anxiety-Potentiated Startle After Treatment With Escitalopram or Mindfulness Meditation in Anxiety Disorders (NPU)
This study evaluated the effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and escitalopram on physiological reactivity. Participants’ reactivity was tested against both predictable and unpredictable stimuli before and after the meditation class to understand the physiological changes that may occur after the intervention. Both mindfulness and the medication decreased anxiety-potentiated startle, which aligns with the findings that both treatments decrease anxiety to a similar extent.